Through steady action, we can ensure a bright future for young Dominican mothers with children and a peaceful retirement for the elderly.
Protecting our Future & Past
Protecting our Future & Past
Through steady action, we can ensure a bright future for young Dominican mothers with children and a peaceful retirement for the elderly.
Sineku Trust believes that Dominica is one country, one voice, and proudly believes that Dominica is better united.
Our goal is to care and protect the elderly and the young in Dominica. Together, we are a part of something larger and extraordinary. The future of children raised in harsh conditions and limited care depends on all of us, acting now. With our combined efforts, we can help improve the lives of children living in areas with little infrastructure and care.
Sineku trust has been actively engaged in creating programs that will allow these families to start anew.

We can help provide children with better homes and a brighter future
Children in remote local communities like Kalinago need our help to improve their standard of living. After the catastrophic effect of Hurricane Maria on the entire country, numerous families were left devastated and unable to recover. Sineku Trust has been trying to create programs that will allow these families start anew
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If we can find the a way to help those in dire need of our support we should.
We are looking of members, donations, volunteers. Anyone willing to contribute in some way to this charity is welcome to join.
You Can Make A Difference
You Can Make A Difference
You Can Make A Difference
You Can Make A Difference
You Can Make A Difference
You Can Make A Difference
Helping young mothers with children and the elderly are our priority. Lets get started!
We have a long track record of wide-reaching effects.